Of all the Marian prayers, the Memorare which begins…REMEMBER O most gracious Virgin Mary, is a compelling reminder to us that there is someone who never forgets us. Our Mother in heaven and all the Saints who have gone before us are never unmindful of our needs, our hopes, and our strivings. Although we necessarily must pass through this ‘vale of tears,’ it is not without the ever present aid of Our Father in heaven and Our Mother of Mercy. Since we are so prone to forget such reassuring truths, it is good to conscientiously take time to REMEMBER every day, God’s mercy to us, His Providence seen through those who do us good, the ways in which He has answered our prayers, the good He has brought out of our trials, and so much more! Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever!
On the more humorous side of this weakness, good natured (albeit strained!) amusement often ensues here if the sisters leading the Divine Office lose their place and forget where the rest of the choir left off… Scenes like these remind us, (lest we forget!) that despite all our shortcomings we are deeply loved by God who asks of us our goodwill!