On July 22nd, with three knocks at the enclosure door, Genevieve Rose entered the monastery as a postulant! The excitement, apprehension, and plethora of emotions that come with one’s entrance day, all surround (or enhance) that crucial, distilled moment of faith when one steps from the world to the cloister. It has been stated that the primary formation of cloistered nuns is a formation in faith. This very essential core of the Christian life is to take root and blossom for the good of the Church in the lives of all who live the monastic life. Faith is certainly exercised by all followers of Christ, or else we are not Christians at all… but sometimes when reading the Gospel passages about the faith that is ‘small as a mustard seed’ – that faith that ‘moves mountains,’ we can ask: ‘what does that kind of faith look like in everyday life?’ We don’t need to search beyond those favorite stories in scripture where David’s faith in God took the form of five smooth stones when he faced a gigantic insulter of the Almighty. Obviously he knew that as he was fighting for his Lord, God would be fighting for him. Our Lady cannot be overlooked in this regard, her ‘fiat mihi – be it done unto me,’ in total faith struck at the very foundation of the mountain of iniquity of the whole human race, and in time this mountain would ‘be cast into the sea’ of her Son’s mercy. And last week, we saw our new Sister’s faith take root as she knocked at the cloister door. Small beginnings, yes – but with God all things are possible! Please pray for Sr. Genevieve Rose as she wholeheartedly gives herself to this new life in faith!