Love effects resurrection. The two realities go together. Like a sunrise that overcomes the night, enlightening the morning sky with color and light, God’s Love pervades even the darkness of sin, encompasses us in our weakness and draws us to Himself. The God who first breathed us into existence is the same Who sacrificed His life on the cross that we might share in His eternal beatitude. We glimpse this truth in the love of spouses or friends, which brings growth and life for the other through the giving of time and self. How much more does the Self-offering of the God-Man, envisaged in His pierced and bleeding Heart, sacrificed for our rebellion against his Love, manifest His power to raise to new life those who know nothing of His Love.
A Nun Blog - The Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration
A Nun Blog - The Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration "For God created man for incorruption, and made him in the Image of His own Eternity." Wisdom 2:23
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Our Mother
Here at Our Lady of the Angels Monastery there exists a true-to-life replica of the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes in France. This quiet haven is a wonderful addition to the Shrine grounds; it is beautifully situated by a flowing river, and moderately hidden from the Castle/gift shop and parking area, providing a locale for prayer and healing. The lovely trek to Our Lady’s Grotto from the expansive piazza connected to the Shrine, imparts a sense that one is on a momentary pilgrimage. Our Lady’s words to St. Bernadette, “Would you be so kind as to come here?” draws us to experience our Lady’s tenderness here in the Deep South. While there may be a few ascetical similarities between our little grotto and the one in France, ultimately nothing could rival the real Grotto at Lourdes. For truly God’s gentle providence touched Massabielle through the physical appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Her message to pray the Rosary and to do penance for poor sinners should still provoke in us a generous response to her fervent plea. We are her spiritual children that she painfully labored for at the base of her Divine Son’s Cross. A mom will always strive to prevent any possible harm great or small in her child’s life. Even if a tragedy should visit her little one, a mom knows exactly what to do to bring comfort and encouragement. Often the best form of aid is simply the presence of our mothers. If this is true in the natural order how much more in the supernatural order. What happened at Lourdes reminds us that we have a Mother who cares immensely for our needs. Nothing is too small or insignificant in her eyes. Our small reproduction here in Alabama of the oval niche in rock where supports the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes presents to our pilgrims a Woman who desires to be with us, and, who ultimately brings us to her Son, Jesus.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Living Consecration
Thursday, February 9, 2012
The Battle Is the Lord's
Today, EWTN - the Global Catholic Media Network founded by Mother Angelica has responded to the HHS mandate and sued the US government over this blatant violation of the 1st Amendment. Please continue to pray, to offer your daily sacrifices and inconveniences for our congress & leaders, for EWTN and all those who are battling against what is intrinsically evil - abortion, contraception and the rejection of conscience. “The battle is the Lord’s.” Those are David’s words as he faced Goliath – the giant who challenged the freedom and existence of the Israelite nation. Today’s assault on religious liberty in the U.S. places us in a like position. As we face this major attack and possible demolition of religious freedom – the ability to live and work according to God-given consciences - we must meet the challenge in faith, taking a stand in every way we can knowing that we fight under Him who conquered sin & death.
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