On October 25th, our postulant Sr. Elaine became Sr. Mary Lucia of the Holy Trinity and was invested with the holy habit! It was a day of immense happiness for Sister, her parents, siblings and friends who made long journeys to witness her entrance into the novitiate. We always look forward to asking the just-hours-old-novice’s family what they think of their daughter’s new name! Whether the Sister’s patroness is a complete surprise or has been her friend for years, inevitably there is a swelling recognition: “This is it! Her name fits!” This is a testament to the special grace from above that comes with one’s new identity in Christ. This identity is coupled with a mission or task which seems a mystery at first glance. A novice’s life is imbued with prayer and she is immersed in a life of service. From these primary “works” her unique formation begins… a transformation process destined to last a lifetime! Please keep our newest novice in your prayers. She is named after St. Lucy, virgin and martyr who is often invoked for those suffering from eye disorders. We pray that God may truly give us all the grace of “having the eyes of [our] hearts enlightened, that [we] may know what is the hope to which He has called [us]” Eph 1:18.
Congratulations Sister!!! I love you!
God love & bless you, Sr. Mary Lucia! Your friends and those who know of you from Livonia's Marywood
send their congratulations!
Congatulations to Sr. Mary Lucia her smile is so radiant and she looks so happy in her new beautiful habit of Christ. May God Bless you always Sister
Donna from Massachusetts
Congratulations Sr. Mary Lucia!!!!
Tori from Louisiana
Congratulations, Sister Mary Lucia! Hope there will be pictures of your investiture soon!
And that cake looks delicious, BTW! ; )
Barb in NY
Hopefully, we will be able to see your OLAM investment ceremony photos soon, Sr. Mary Lucia!
+JMJ+ I love you, Sr. Lucia, and everyone wants me to let you know that they keep you in their thoughts and prayers!
Blessed be God forever,
your blood sister in MI
Congrats to you for becoming a nun. My prayers are with you.
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