“And the Word was made flesh.” Mother Angelica has a profound love for these powerful words. which have had an immeasurable impact on her life. Here at Our Lady of the Angels we have a special reason to rejoice on this feast – it is the Feastday of our Reverend Mother Mary Angelica of the Annunciation! We can certainly give thanks again and again for all that God has done through her faithful ‘yeses’ through the years (and they are numerous!) We especially look forward to spending some time with her as a community on her big day, to share with her some laughs, some smiles and perhaps a song. The Feast of the Annunciation is an fitting day to celebrate someone who has brought the Word of God to so many!
The mystery of the Annunciation and the Incarnation! God and man are forever united in and through Christ. Beautiful too, is the realization that Mary perfectly fulfilled what God had ordained for her. Having been prepared from the moment of her conception, free of sin for this Divine Gift, she fully corresponds to the designs of God. She was a woman who had ‘meditated on the law of the Lord’, who knew the history of salvation yet unfolding, and the promises of God contained in the Torah. Mary’s consent was full, entire, self-emptying, total. And in place of that unconditional surrender, she received God Himself. She is an unparalleled exemplar for all of us in hearing and receiving the Word, believing what God has said, and responding in turn. The challenge for us is passing on the great treasures of our faith that we have been given without distorting them, without watering down, without compromising either love or truth. So let us receive & let us give! What more does this broken and aching world need but the Word of God and His presence among us?