A Nun Blog - The Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration

A Nun Blog - The Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration "For God created man for incorruption, and made him in the Image of His own Eternity." Wisdom 2:23

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Loving Life

Frequently we receive prayer requests from couples who desire children but who are unable to conceive, and few things are more thrilling than having new parents write that ‘their prayers have been answered!’ Both the suffering desire of waiting for a child and the joy of a new little one are testimonies to the sanctity and the supreme beauty of life itself. Someone who longs to bring forth life has in fact, a unique opportunity to recognize all the more the great gift of the persons that surround them. Each life is a real gift – an undeserved, unasked for, willed by God, created for and by Love – gift! And with these gifts comes great responsibilities that conscientious parents know very well! The call to support, nurture and promote the good of the lives of our neighbors is imperative for all of us. The consequences of neglecting such ‘good works’ contributes to the deterioration and even corruption of our families and society at large. As GK Chesterton said, “If we believe in the sanctity of human life, it must be really a sanctity; we must make sacrifices for it.” For Christians this is certainly not new – the Gospel is full of such admonitions. Even now, as 40 Days For Life is observed throughout our nation and around the world, it is the perfect time to renew again our wonder at the beauty of human life and our resolve to make sacrifices for the good of each of our neighbors – those born and unborn! With this mindset we steer clear of the dangerous temptation to ‘take and control’ that which is not legitimately ours. We belong to God, the all wise Creator and Master of all life and we are safe in HIS Hands.

The Pictures above were taken at Sr. Maria Maris Stella’s investiture family visit in our parlor! Little nieces and nephews, brothers and sisters of our Sisters usually ‘steal the show’ whenever we have the joy to spend time with them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the reflection on the sanctity of life--and for sharing the family joy of Sr. Maria Maris Stella's family! She
waited an exceptionally long time to be invested. Have the PCPA's
changed the normal 1 year of postulancy? I remember seeing that our fellow Michigander (Elaine) entered last Feb.!
God bless you!